[Spambayes] XP Service Pack 2?

Mark McLaren markm at owensfinancial.com
Wed Sep 15 01:04:50 CEST 2004


I will do that... although we are holding off installing SP2 until our ACT! consultant gives us the green light for using the XP update with the latest ACT1 upgrade. We will let you know when we do the upgrade if any issues arise. Thanks for your response.

Mark McLaren

-----Original Message-----
From: "Kenny Pitt" <kennypitt at hotmail.com>
Sent: 9/14/2004 12:07 PM
To: "skip at pobox.com" <skip at pobox.com>; "markm at owensfinancial.com" <markm at owensfinancial.com>
Cc: "spambayes at python.org" <spambayes at python.org>; "Amanda J. Strang" <amandas at owensfinancial.com>
Subject: RE: [Spambayes] XP Service Pack 2?

Skip Montanaro wrote:
>     Mark> Please let me know if SpamBayes is compatible with the Microsoft
>     Mark> Windows XP Home Service Pack 2 update.
> Several SB developers use WinXP, so I suspect we'd have heard about
> it if there was a problem.  Why not try it on a test machine and
> report back?  

I'm running with XP Service Pack 2 and have had no problems.  If you're
using the Outlook add-in then you shouldn't see any difference at all
because Outlook handles all network communications.

If you're using the POP3 proxy version then you'll need to unblock sb_tray,
sb_server, and/or sb_service depending on which variation you are running.
SP2 will prompt you when you first start SpamBayes, so you'll know write
away and can just select "unblock" when asked.

Kenny Pitt

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