[Spambayes] New VERIO Spam Filter causes "leaks"

Richard B Barger ABC APR Rich at RBarger.com
Tue Sep 7 14:41:28 CEST 2004

Filter first, David.

That is, set up your first filter to intercept [SPAM] and dump it into your Spam
folder.  Don't rely on Spambayes to do it, although the program should do a
better and better job through time.

But if you trust what Verio is doing, just automatically grab their output and
discard it, using your email client's filtering routines.


Rich Barger


David Butcher wrote:

> Verio now marks incoming messages with [SPAM] in the subject line. I have
> trainind and trained, and messages with that "word" in the subject line keep
> coming through to my inbox instead of being handled as spam by spambayes. How
> can I convince spambayes that those messages are spam?
> Thanks

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