[Spambayes] Compiling sb_filter on Win32

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Wed Oct 20 23:08:45 CEST 2004

(Forgot to answer this bit)

> Is this even a good idea?

It depends what you want.  Note that py2exe doesn't *compile* the scripts,
it just bundles them along with the Python interpreter into an .exe.  You
won't notice any increase in speed (check out psyco <http://psyco.sf.net>
for that) from doing so.

What you do get is a packaged script, so it's relatively easy to use it on
any machine (in particular, you don't need to install Python).  (If the
machine already has Python, then you'd save space by just having the script
& required modules).

=Tony Meyer

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