[Spambayes] IMAP Error: Must specify server details first

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Thu Oct 7 08:20:03 CEST 2004

> Wow, Tony, such service! Do you find time for anything else?

Well, a great many other people also work on the project, of course :)  And
sometimes (like now) replies can take some time (sorry) - and even then,
there are still 212 spambayes at python.org messages that I would like time to
address after this one...

> However, I'm still having trouble. So here's the dumb newbie 
> question of the day: HOW do I stop the script?

Ctrl-C is a perfectly valid way of stopping it - however, try not to do this
when it's in the midst of a training session.  I'm happy to accept
suggestions of alternative methods of shutting it down.

> Now, tonight, when I start the script:
> sb_imapfilter.py -b -v
> I'm not getting a browser window. The verbose output gives me 
> three messages, which look okay, with no errors, but no 
> browser. And opening a browser window and entering the URL 
> manually gives me an error.
> I'd send you the log, but I don't know where to find it.

imapfilter doesn't have a log, just whatever gets printed to the output
window.  (This is the same if you run any of the scripts from source).

It's very strange that you don't get an error, and can't access the web
interface.  Has anything else changed in this time?  If you telnet to port
8880 when imapfilter is running can you connect?  (Or you could use netstat
to see if it's listed).

=Tony Meyer

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