[Spambayes] RE: [Spambayes-announce] ANNOUNCE: SpamBayes release 1.0.1

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Thu Nov 25 16:14:16 CET 2004

    >> __version__ = '1.0rc1'
    >> Is this a mistake?

    Tony> You had me worried for a minute :)  No, it's not.

    Tony> You're doing a CVS update from CVS Head above (presumably).  The
    Tony> code in there will eventually be 1.1a1 - the 1.0 code was forked
    Tony> off into a separate branch (release_1_0_branch, IIRC) at the time
    Tony> of 1.0rc1.

Ah, crap.  Oh well.


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