[Spambayes] Yahoo addresses

Bob Murdoch mailgroups at murdochfl.com
Wed Nov 17 04:08:05 CET 2004


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tony Meyer [mailto:tameyer at ihug.co.nz] 
> Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2004 7:08 PM
> If you use the "show clues for this message" function on one 
> of those (before training), you might be able to understand 
> why they are scoring what they do.  If not, feel free to 
> forward one of those 'show clues' messages to the list, and 
> we'll try and explain what's going on.

Thanks for the offer.  Here's one that is sitting in the Junk E-mail
folder right now:

Combined Score: 0% (1.11022e-016)
Internal ham score (*H*): 1
Internal spam score (*S*): 2.22045e-016

# ham trained on: 11067
# spam trained on: 2816

87 Significant Tokens
token                               spamprob         #ham  #spam
'suggestion'                        0.00215414        104      0
'version?'                          0.00738916         30      0
'header:Received:9'                 0.0163827        2609     11
'versions'                          0.0238391         331      2
'subject:support'                   0.0260702        8377     57
'firebird'                          0.0282926        3922     29
'header:In-Reply-To:1'              0.0290818        6043     46
'skip:f 40'                         0.0300911        7481     59
'url:67folb'                        0.0302692        6932     55
'yahoo!'                            0.0304382        9396     75
'reply-to:addr:yahoogroups.com'     0.0304602        9389     75
'url:docs'                          0.0304602        9389     75
'to:addr:yahoogroups.com'           0.0304728        9385     75
'url:terms'                         0.0308535        9389     76
'aage'                              0.0314234         128      1
'subject:firebird'                  0.0317295        6603     55
'reply-to:addr:firebird-support'    0.0325554        6430     55
'to:addr:firebird-support'          0.0325799        6425     55
'group,'                            0.0333268        9240     81
'url:yahoo'                         0.0335356        9407     83
'groups'                            0.0355302        9394     88
'subject:] '                        0.0357374       10610    100
'url:firebird-support'              0.0369658        5637     55
'exists'                            0.0370612         210      2
'url:tm'                            0.0387088        6935     71
'sponsor'                           0.0412744        6943     76
'ib/fb.'                            0.0412844           5      0
'subject:Limits'                    0.0412844           5      0
'url:groups'                        0.0442376        6373     75
'url:group'                         0.0442907        6365     75
'web,'                              0.0443107        6362     75
'skip:- 70'                         0.0467778        7052     88
'links'                             0.0479997        6396     82
'1.5.'                              0.0486592         158      2
'subject'                           0.0533724        9414    135
'url:us'                            0.0555939        6947    104
'group'                             0.0636147        6598    114
'subject:operator'                  0.0652174           3      0
'subject:-'                         0.065235        10365    184
'skip:- 20'                         0.0711668        7030    137
'message-id:@eGroups.com'           0.0741458        2162     44
'x-mailer:yahoo groups message poster' 0.0741458        2162     44
'url:yqlsaa'                        0.0864342        2910     70
'subject:['                         0.0918335        4083    105
'aage.'                             0.0918367           2      0
'sweep'                             0.0936782        1523     40
'use'                               0.0986524       10056    280
'blocker.'                          0.0991036        1431     40
'pop-up'                            0.0991036        1431     40
'toolbar.'                          0.0991036        1431     40
'url:esiiaa'                        0.0991036        1431     40
'url:l5yrja'                        0.0991036        1431     40
'url:click'                         0.103353         7196    211
'clean'                             0.106282         1522     46
'companion'                         0.107932         1431     44
'url:info'                          0.109057         9409    293
'ads.'                              0.114228         1434     47
'reply-to:no real name:2**0'        0.115949        10699    357
'(for'                              0.121962          143      5
'send'                              0.126389         9319    343
'to:'                               0.12909          9467    357
'free!'                             0.136233         1621     65
'unsubscribe'                       0.142761         9252    392
'header:User-Agent:1'               0.144991         3802    164
'using'                             0.145481         2956    128
'visit'                             0.165135         6677    336
'email'                             0.170982        10386    545
'subject:: '                        0.175712         3172    172
'thanks'                            0.182812         1582     90
'still'                             0.186087         1101     64
'size'                              0.194004          458     28
'limitation'                        0.196574           49      3
'header:Reply-To:1'                 0.197409        10818    677
'subject:Delphi'                    0.210823           89      6
'make'                              0.229174         2803    212
'know'                              0.24713          2000    167
'that'                              0.265611         6618    609
'older'                             0.269515          107     10
'from'                              0.279117        10039    989
'header:Return-path:1'              0.279199          386     38
'this'                              0.282022        10726   1072
'your'                              0.327367        10199   1263
'with'                              0.34073          6806    895
'the'                               0.356808        10641   1502
'subject:with'                      0.365366          717    105
'get'                               0.365705         5542    813
'for'                               0.395639         8603   1433

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