[Spambayes] spam with 100% score not moved to junk

Katz, Amir Amir_Katz at bmc.com
Tue Nov 9 12:21:37 CET 2004

I wonder if this is the same problem that I was complaining a few weeks ago
(mail titled "SB plug-in and Outlook 2003", Oct. 16, 2004), as the error
message is the same. A reminder - my complaint is that when I start Outlook
2003 in "work offline" mode and download the messages, they are not getting
filtered by the plug-in.


-----Original Message-----
From: Cecconi, Enrico (E.) [mailto:ececconi at visteon.com] 
Sent: Friday, November 05, 2004 10:30
To: 'Tony Meyer'; spambayes at python.org
Subject: RE: [Spambayes] spam with 100% score not moved to junk

I checked that "Inbox" was in the list. It was. I unchecked it and rechecked
it. I then started "filter messages" and SB started and filtered as
expected, some to junk, some to unsure. SB obcviously still works butn not
at start up or without manual intervention.

I then wondered if there was a timing problem with my network logon (I have
Outlook in "startup")and SpamBayes (although no secondary request for
password has ever appeared). So I closed Outlook, deleted all the SB logs
and then restarted Outlook. This resulted in the attatched log which has
"Processing missed spam in folder 'Inbox' by starting a timer" entry in the
last line. What is that all about? What timer?



-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Meyer [mailto:tameyer at ihug.co.nz]
Sent: 04 November 2004 23:01
To: 'Cecconi, Enrico (E.)'; spambayes at python.org
Subject: RE: [Spambayes] spam with 100% score not moved to junk

> The main thing is SB used to work on 90% of my spam (after
> trining) now it never works. It behaves as if it's installed but not 
> enabled, however reinstalling made no difference.
> What is the significance of "NOTE: Skipping folder for this session - 
> temporarily unavailable" in the attached log files (from today)?

Ack.  I can't believe I missed that in the original log (sorry).

*That* is the cause of the problem here - basically SpamBayes can't get hold
of the folder it's trying to watch, so it never installs the 'event hook'
that would tell it about new mail arriving, so it never knows about any of
the mail.

The question then, of course, is why the folder isn't available.  Outlook is
telling SpamBayes that the folder is "temporarily available" - can you think
of any reason why this might be the case?

You could try going into the configuration (SpamBayes Manager->Filtering)
and (a) seeing if the folder is offered in the list of folders to filter and
(b) reselecting it if it is.

You could try selecting another folder on the same store and seeing if it
gives the same error.

Microsoft indicates that possible causes for this error include:

  * Insufficient permissions for the mailbox.

  * If you try to open more than 255 mailboxes in one process (the process
here would be Outlook).  It also says that the actual limit may be lower as
some index values may be reserved.

  * If an incorrect password is provided and a prompt for the password
cannot be displayed.

Anything sound relevant?


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