[Spambayes] IMAP enhancement requests and problems seen...

Paul Michali pcm at cisco.com
Mon May 24 11:40:13 EDT 2004

Some testing results, inline...

Paul Michali wrote:

> Hi! Great tool!  I just updated to 1.0rc1 under an IMAP
> environment (Solaris), without a hitch.
> As an enhancement, can you add a "hamfolder" configuration
> option that would allow ham to be moved to that folder? With
> the previous version of spambayes (1.0), I was seeing a
> problem where I'd read mail in my inbox, before the filter
> had processed the mail, so it would then re-appear in my in
> box as unread (even if I had moved the mail to a different
> folder on the server).  I did a quick hack to add a ham
> folder option to my verion and it works nicely. Now, I just
> look at a ham folder, for my incoming mail, instead of the
> inbox.
> A problem that I seem to have with spambayes, running the
> imapfilter, is that occasionally the script exits saying
> "Invalid server or port, please check these settings". I
> added some debug and the server is in-fact my mail server
> and the port is 143. This fails, BTW, after days of running
> just fine. Any ideas?
> Finally, if I start another instance of spambayes, with
> "sb_imapfilter -b -p hammie.db -P", I get the browser
> window up, but all the stats say zero. If I click on the
> "More-statistics..." link, I get this error:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/users/pcm/lib/python/spambayes/Dibbler.py", line 461, in 
> found_terminator
>     getattr(plugin, name)(**params)
>   File "/users/pcm/lib/python/spambayes/UserInterface.py", line 1016, in 
> onStats
>     s = Stats.Stats()
>   File "/users/pcm/lib/python/spambayes/Stats.py", line 42, in __init__
>     self.CalculateStats()
>   File "/users/pcm/lib/python/spambayes/Stats.py", line 58, in 
> CalculateStats
>     for msg in msginfoDB.db.keys():
> AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'keys'

I ran with the "-b" option, and under the advanced config,
changed it from "dbm" to "pickle" for the database, saved,
and then re-ran with the "-b" option and now, when I go
to "More Statistics" I do not get an error. However, it
says that no messages have been processed. Also, on the
main page, it still says zero for all the entries (# spam,
# ham, #trained, etc).  It's almost like it is not using
the same database. Do I need to specify a path or something,
for the database file?

> I mentioned this once before, but I don'[t recall us getting
> anywhere with the problem. Any help would be appreciated.
> Thanks for such an awesome tool!

PCM @ WORK (Paul Michali)

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