[Spambayes] Spambayes on Outlook Express

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Mon May 10 02:50:35 EDT 2004

> Of course, I get an error that no server is found, because no
> one's monitoring 8110.  Should I put "localhost:8110" somewhere,
> or something?

You need to put 8110 in the "SpamBayes Ports" option on the SpamBayes
configuration page, yes.

[from another message]
> Everytime I enable Norton, it puts its own pop3 server where 
> localhost was, and every time I change it back, nothing 
> works.  And if I leave it there, SpamBayes doesn't see anything.

OK, I didn't realise that Norton was overriding any changes here.  That
means the chain will have to be rearranged to:

   OE <-> Norton <-> SpamBayes <-> Mail Server

Let OE connect to pop3.norton.antivirus on port 110.  Keep SpamBayes running
on localhost 8110, but set the "Remote Servers" to pop.west.cox.net.

Now tell Norton that your mail server is "localhost 8110", not
"pop.west.cox.net 110".

=Tony Meyer

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