[Spambayes] Spambayes on Outlook Express

Bill Dibble wbdibble at cox.net
Thu May 6 14:14:45 EDT 2004

Thanks for the response.  It was that pesky old Norton Antivirus.  I turned
it off, and everything is working OK.  Of course, I don't now have email
virus protection.  Is there some way I can get both?


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tony Meyer" <tameyer at ihug.co.nz>
To: "'Bill Dibble'" <wbdibble at cox.net>; <spambayes at python.org>
Sent: Wednesday, 5 May 2004 9:34 PM
Subject: RE: [Spambayes] Spambayes on Outlook Express

> Still nothing filtered so far.  Here's what I know about my
> Outlook Express setup.  The mail account name is
> pop.west.cox.net.  THe server is POP3 on localhost (I changed
> it to that per instructions).  In the advanced settings, the
> POP3 server is monitoring channel 110 (typical).

Odd.  Does the web interface say that there have been zero conversations, as
well as zero messages filtered?  It really sounds like OE isn't connecting
through SpamBayes at all.

Do you have anything else that might be running on port 110 (although then
SpamBayes should be failing, and I didn't see any indication of that in the
log) - something like a POP3 proxy for virus protection, or the like?

You could try changing the port from 110 to something else, like 8110.  Then
in the SpamBayes configuration change the local port from 110 to 8110 as

If you open up a command prompt (dos prompt) and type "telnet localhost 110
[enter]" do you get a "failed to connect" message, or a "welcome to
pop.west.cox.net" type message?

> Do I need to check the secure socket link required box?

No, and doing so will mean that it fails to work.  (We don't support POP3
over SSL as yet).

=Tony Meyer

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