[Spambayes] Images

B Wavin bwavin at stofanet.dk
Mon Mar 29 16:39:45 EST 2004

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Kenny Pitt" <kennypitt at hotmail.com>
To: "'Tony Meyer'" <tameyer at ihug.co.nz>; "'Steinhardt, Ingolf'"
<Ingolf.Steinhardt at inpro.de>; <spambayes at python.org>
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 11:28 PM
Subject: RE: [Spambayes] Images

Tony Meyer wrote:
>> I worked any time with V 0.6 and change
>> the pictures/icons in the folder /img
>> I changed to Version 0.9 an I missing the icons!
>> I´s possible to work with my own icons??
> I'm not 100%, but I think that the images have since been changed to
> be built into the .dll rather than loaded separately, and so this
> trick isn't possible anymore, unless you can edit them in there
> somehow.

>You should be able to edit the images from Outlook's customize toolbar
>function.  Just right-click on any toolbar and select Customize, then
>right-click on the SpamBayes button that you want to change.  The menu
>options there will allow you to edit the button image, or you can copy
>an image to the clipboard using a paint program (even MSPaint will do)
>and then paste the image to the button.

I did that, cocked it up and selected Reset from the menu, now I have no
icon at all :o( How do I get the default Spambayes one back anyone?


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