[Spambayes] Cannot connect to socket with sb_bnserver.py

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Sun Mar 28 17:59:58 EST 2004

    Remi> The command line was
    Remi> cat email.msg | sb_nbserver.py -d my_hammie.db

Shouldn't you be invoking sb_bnfilter.py like so:

    cat email.msg | sb_bnfilter.py -d my_hammie.db

or even

    sb_bnfilter.py -d my_hammie.db < email.msg


That said, I had some problems in this regard as well.  I haven't looked
into it yet.

It does seem like sb_bnfilter.py shows some promise:

    % time for f in spam? ; do sb_bnfilter.py < $f >/dev/null; done

    real    0m2.377s
    user    0m1.000s
    sys     0m0.540s

    % time for f in spam? ; do sb_filter.py < $f >/dev/null; done

    real    0m8.594s
    user    0m6.280s
    sys     0m2.090s

The timing for the sb_bnfilter.py was after the server had already been
started.  "spam?" expanded to eight files.  With the server not already
started I got (added a print to make sure the server was only started once):

    % time for f in spam? ; do sb_bnfilter.py < $f >/dev/null; done
    forking server

    real    0m3.654s
    user    0m1.030s
    sys     0m0.520s


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