[Spambayes] (no subject)

papaDoc papaDoc at videotron.ca
Thu Mar 25 10:15:49 EST 2004

Hi Jon,

> Good Morning Spambayes:
> A quick question for you I hope. I did not see any reference in the 
> FAQ for using spam lists from other spam filters. I was previously 
> using Inbox Cop and it developed an extensive spammers/friends list. 
> Can spambayes incorporate that information into its "training regimen"?

Spambayes don't use whitelist, blacklist or as you call them 
"spammers/friends list".

It use bayesien (not so baysien anymore) filtering instead.

If you still can live without the "spammers/friends list" you can look 
at "Inboxer" a commercial  soft based on Spambayes.


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