[Spambayes] Help---Still no luck running spambayes on an NT system?? Answers to Kenny Pitt, Tony Meyer and Sean True.

Jon Weitzman jonw at gdpspace.com
Thu Mar 25 09:29:55 EST 2004

Answers to suggestions by person.

Kenny Pitt,
	The only thing close to Active Python I have on my machine is python23 and
pythoncom23.  Both are dll's and were in the INBOXER folder.  Remnants of an
attempt to install INBOXER.  They stayed around after I couldn't get inboxer to
install.  Since deleted.

Tony Meyer,
	There are no entries in the com-addin on outlook2000.  There are no spambayes
logs anywhere that the "find" command can locate.  The view command is set to
"Show all files" .

Sean True,
Went back and installed Spambayes.  The install went all the way through to the
Finished page.  Still no tool bar.

Any additional thoughts??

Thanks for your efforts and patience.

Jon Weitzman

-----Original Message-----
Jon Weitzman wrote:
>  Trying to install and run  Spambayes on an NT system.  It seems to
> install but I
>  do not get a spambayes toolbar in outlook.
>  I'm installing spambayes 1.0a9(0.9).  My system is NT 4.0 and
>  Outlook 2000 SR-1  Version 9.

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