[Spambayes] sb_dbexpimp.py doc bug(s)

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Wed Mar 24 16:40:08 EST 2004

    >> This seems just plain weird to me.  I'm going to delete this example
    >> and add a merge example.

    Webb> It's already there.  (It's the fifth/last example.  :-)


    Webb> However, I don't know that you really want to completely delete
    Webb> the export/import example.  I think that it is supposed to reflect
    Webb> this text from the Abstract:

    Webb>          Database reorganization - an export followed by an import
    Webb>          reorgs an existing database, <theoretically> improving
    Webb>          performance, at least in some database implementations

I think that's a specious argument.  There's no guarantee that the order in
which keys are emitted when the database file is dumped out to a csv file
(and thus the order in which they appear in the csv file) represents an
optimal insertion order for key/value pairs into an empty database (for any
arbitrary definition of "optimal insertion order").


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