[Spambayes] Service Stopped working under XP

Walter Görlitz walter at gorlitz.ca
Tue Mar 23 14:51:55 EST 2004

At 08:46 PM 2004-01-29, you wrote:
> > Yesterday morning, my service just stopped working. I can still run
> > SpamBayes from the command prompt through python, but no
> > matter how I try, the service starts and then stops.
> >
> > I have been looking for logs but can't find them.

since I was running using a cmd file that would enable SpamBayes again and 
that I placed in my start-up items I was doing OK. One day about a month 
ago, I tried the service again and it was working fine. I got rid of the 
cmd file. As of a few minutes ago (some time last night probably) the 
service has stopped working so I tried to follow your instructions.

>Services are good at hiding those sorts of things :)  There should be logs
>in your temp directory, which is probably 'C:\Documents and
>Settings\[username]\Local Settings\Temp'.

while there are many files in this directory (and other temp and tmp 
directories strewn across my drive) there are no services, Python, or 
SpamBayes log files in any of them, which was really the basic statement I 
was making...it sure would be nice if you logged the activity in a central 

>If not, you can get the service to output to a console window by running
>'pop3proxy_service.py debug'.

It runs with no output / debug to the terminal other than:
Debugging service pop3proxy
Loading database... SMTP Listener on port 2500 is proxying van-e2k1:25
Listener on port 1100 is proxying pop.telus.net:110
User interface url is http://localhost:8880/
Info 0x40001002 - The pop3proxy service has started as user 'WGorlitz', 
using config file 'C:\Documents and Settings\wgorlitz\Applic
ation Data\SpamBayes\Proxy\bayescustomize.ini'.

>=Tony Meyer

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