[Spambayes] accidentally deleted junk mail file

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Sun Mar 21 09:44:32 EST 2004

    David> Somehow I managed to move the Junk Mail list to the shortcut side
    David> of Outlook 2002.  There was no place to put spam that was being
    David> sorted!  When I reinstalled the program, the Junk file did not
    David> reappear.  The Suspected Junk mail file did not contain new
    David> files.  My first impression of your program is very positive.  I
    David> hope you will help me figure out how to resolve the problem.

See if it's been moved to your Deleted Items folder.  If so, just move it
back where it belongs.  This sounds suspiciously like a common problem many
Outlook users experience, but since I'm not an OL user I don't have much
experience to draw on.  I suspect many of the people who would normally jump
on this are at PyCon.


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