[Spambayes] Configuring Outlook Express

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Tue Mar 16 00:44:32 EST 2004

> How do I define a proxy an incoming spanbayes proxy
> in outlook express.  I have configured spam bayes to
>> look at my incoming pop server, but, how and whaer do
> I define the spam bayes proxy to pickup the evaluated
> mail and bring into my inbox?

You need to go into the mail server settings in Outlook Express and set them
to use "localhost" rather than your mail server(s).  This is
Tools->Accounts->Mail (tab), select the account, then Properties, from
memory.  Something like that, anyway.

Since you're using Outlook Express, you'll also have to setup spambayes to
include the classification (like "Spam") in the subject or "to" of the
message as well, so that OE can filter it.  You can do this via the
"Configuration" link on the spambayes web interface (if you're using the
tray icon, right click it and choose Configuration, then find the "Notate"

Once OE is connecting through SpamBayes, you can set up rules in OE (like
any other rules) so that spam is filtered into a spam folder, or whatever
you like.

=Tony Meyer

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