[Spambayes] (no subject)

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Sat Mar 13 02:59:17 EST 2004

> After installation spambayes I started Outlook but nothing happens?
> Logfile
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "addin.py", line 1546, in ?
>   File "win32com\server\register.pyc", line 477, in UseCommandLine
>   File "win32com\server\register.pyc", line 407, in RegisterClasses
>   File "win32com\server\register.pyc", line 261, in RegisterServer
>   File "win32com\server\register.pyc", line 85, in _cat_registrar
> pywintypes.com_error: (-2147221164, 'Class not registered', 
> None, None)
> I am using outlook 2000 SR1 in windows NT

What version of SpamBayes did you install?  Was it from source, or via the
installer?  Did everything appear to go correctly with the install?  (i.e.
there were no error messages during that time).

=Tony Meyer

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