[Spambayes] Context Sensitive Menus

Kenny Pitt kennypitt at hotmail.com
Tue Mar 9 13:30:00 EST 2004

Kevin Kleinfelter wrote:
> Is anyone working on adding context sensitive (right-click) menus for
> Spambayes to the Outlook plug-in?  How big a deal would it be?
> I've got a plethora of toolbars for various apps and I'd like to
> reclaim the real estate.  I'm thinking right-click, "Delete as Spam"
> and right-click "Recover from Spam".

I've looked at that before because I think it would be nice to have.
Unfortunately, if Microsoft has provided any access to Outlook's context
menus, they've hidden it very well.  I would love to hear from anyone
who has information or sample code for doing this.

Kenny Pitt

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