[Spambayes] Upgrade to 0.9 failure

Anders Eriksson anders.eriksson at morateknikutveckling.se
Thu Mar 4 08:18:41 EST 2004


I have just upgraded to Spambayes 0.9 and get an error when I start

I did uninstall 0.81 first, then installed 0.9

The error is:

OUTLOOK.EXE - Entry point not found

The procedure entry point
?PyCom_SetAndLogCOMErrorFromPyException@@YAJPBDABU_GUID@@@Z could not be
located in the dynamic link library pythoncom23.dll

Then I get:
There was an error initializing the SpamBayes addin
Please re-start Outlook and try again.

I have of cause restarted Outlook several times, rebooting the computer

It seems like I have the wrong pythoncom23.dll, or ???

What to do?

// Anders

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