[Spambayes] McAfee virus detection problem.

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Sat Jun 26 23:03:38 EDT 2004

> I have installed SpamBayes in house, and i detect
> that when i download a message, it is saved on a TMP
> file on my Hard Disk.

Assuming you're using sb_server, that's correct. SpamBayes caches messages
(in the cache directories) so that they can be used for training via the web
interface (or SMTP proxy).

> The problem comes when McAfee detects a Virus Message,
> and reapir it. SpamBayes just send me "+OK xxxx", but
> the message doesn't comes, because McAfee delete it.
> How Can i auto-detect that, and just remove the remote
> message, or send a report error?. Just I need a Proxy
> Cascade that detect this error?.

I'm not sure I'm completely understanding this: do you mean that McAfee
checks for virii as they arrive, and that it deletes the message before
SpamBayes gets to it?  Or do you mean that McAfee doesn't like the cache
directories that you mentioned above?

If McAfee is involved in the mail delivery (if it is also a POP3 proxy, for
example), then I presume you already have a chain or cascade of proxies -
something like:

   Mail Server <-> McAfee <-> SpamBayes <-> Mail Client

The solution would probably be to swap them about, so it's like this:

   Mail Server <-> SpamBayes <-> McAfee <-> Mail Client

That way things look more like normal to McAfee, so it will probably handle
it better.

Please mail the list back if this doesn't help.

=Tony Meyer

Please always include the list (spambayes at python.org) in your replies
(reply-all), and please don't send me personal mail about SpamBayes. This
way, you get everyone's help, and avoid a lack of replies when I'm busy.

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