[Spambayes] More Error Messages in log file?

VBCoder VBCoder at iUpTown.com
Tue Jun 1 09:35:53 EDT 2004

-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Peters [mailto:tim.one at comcast.net]
Sent: Monday, May 31, 2004 9:30 PM
To: 'VBCoder'; Spambayes at python.org
Subject: RE: [Spambayes] More Error Messages in log file?

see below ->

> My annoyance still stands, that if I knew that there was a
> compatibility issue with OL2K I would not have tried the product.

Eh?  I don't know of any compatibility issue with OL2K.  At least thousands
of people use the Outlook addin with OL2K happily.  I'm one of them; I also
use it happily with OL2003.

Are you talking about the MS KB article I pointed you at earlier?  If so,
that only mentions OL2K, but in reality the unreliability of ItemAdd isn't
limited to OL2K.  I need to enable background filtering under OL2003 for the
same reason.  If you need to blame someone, you'll need to blame MS, for
both ItemAdd's glitches and for letting their docs get out of date.

<Tim Peters>
Outlook 2003 introduced a NewMailEx event which *may* be a reliable way (and
a more efficient way) to learn about new messages, but it looks like that
fires before rules (and, of course, isn't available before OL2003).
</Tim Peters>

I assumed that this meant that this issue was related to OL2K.  This leads
me to believe that there is a compatibility issue with OL2K or at least a
more significant issue with OL2K then any newer releases.  I can assure you
that if it was mentioned in the download area as an issue, I would not have
tried it.

I am not in the business of blaming and pointing fingers, just lending a
little constructive criticism.  In my opinion, this issue is big enough to
warrant a warning to those that would like to try it.

I tried Tony's suggestion (yours too) and selected a few top level folders
(not the very top as that is not allowed) and checked the subfolders box.
Then enabled the timers.  It was almost 12 hours before I could use the
computer.  It seems that it takes over the whole PC and not just Outlook.  I
was completely locked out of the entire PC for that time period.  When it
was finished, I found that most if not all the Spam fields had a value in
it.  Now the problem was that none of my Outlook rules fired.  All of the
messages that did not fall into Spam or Unsure where still in the Inbox.
Needless to say, I have turned all of that off again.  I am now stumbling
along with this product until I can find one more suitable for my

Suggestion:  This plug-in should be coded to give up control periodically
(frequently) so the OS and Outlook can do other tasks.

Once again, The SpamBayes Outlook plug-in is a great idea.  It needs to be
able to insure that it processes before any Outlook rules are fired as
timing is essential here.  Your timer/Folder-subFolder work around seems to
work under a small work load but is not usable when there is a large work


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