[Spambayes] SpamBayes in Public Folders

Mark Lewandowski theatre at rosebudtheatre.com
Fri Jul 16 20:06:34 CEST 2004

Is there a way to set up SpamBayes to work on a public folder?
We are using Outlook 2002. We have folders under our Public Folders
section that accept e-mail (a general info account). I use SpamBayes on
my personal mailbox and it works great. I'd like to apply it to the
public folder to reduce the amount of spam we have (100+ a day).
I know that I can select a public folder for both incoming and sorted
mail (Junk, Suspected Junk), but it seems like I can have those folders
only in my personal area OR in the public folder.
Ideally I'd like to be able to have a separate Junk Mail/Junk Suspected
section within the public folder that can be shared between multi-users
(e.g., several receptionist). This doesn't seem possible under the areas
I can find, but maybe there's a way.
I'm not a programmer, but if someone tells me what to do, I'm not scared
of playing with code.
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