[Spambayes] unregister outlook_addin.dll

Kenny Pitt kennypitt at hotmail.com
Thu Jul 15 21:13:15 CEST 2004

Andreas K wrote:
> So now please tell me, what I do have to do to unregister
> the new (1.0rc2) outlook_addin.dll.
> At the moment, doing it the old way, the regsvr32.exe crashes!
> "abnormal program termination"

In the same directory with "outlook_addin.dll", you should find a program
"outlook_addin_register.exe".  Try running "outlook_addin_register" to
register, and "outlook_addin_register --unregister" to unregister.  If that
also fails, please let us know.

Kenny Pitt

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