[Spambayes] (no subject)

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Wed Jan 28 21:49:47 EST 2004

> I have a problem with spambayes. The filter set up
> seems to be throwing everything out and I have not
> recieved an email for a couple of days. Need to reset
> filter and retrieve old mail that is still good.
> Is it possible to retieve filtered good mail?

I'm not sure what you mean by it's throwing everything out.  Do you mean
that everything is being classified as spam?  If so, then your best bet is
probably to remove your database and start training again (which will mean
everything starts off as unsure, but that will quickly change).

If you mean that mail isn't arriving at all - do you get any error messages
anywhere?  Your message looked like you are using Outlook Express - is that
right?  Does that mean you are using sb_server?  Are you using 1.0a7 or an
older version?

If you need to temporarily disable SpamBayes (and the above is correct) then
you can just change your Outlook Express settings back to connect directly
to the mail server instead of localhost.

Any mail at all that SpamBayes proxies should appear both in the 'review
messages' page and in your mail client.  The copy in the mail client is
controlled by it, so if you delete it there, it's gone.  The copy that the
'review messages' page shows is stored for a set amount of time (7 days by
default), but you can get it from there to the mail client, although you can
read the message, to a certain extent.

=Tony Meyer

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(reply-all), and please don't send me personal mail about SpamBayes. This
way, you get everyone's help, and avoid a lack of replies when I'm busy.

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