[Spambayes] Outlook rules do fake SpamBayes job

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Wed Jan 28 09:55:45 EST 2004

    Maurizio> ... I have setup some rules. Now it seems that spam messages
    Maurizio> go in the SPAM folder, but suddenly they are taken out by the
    Maurizio> Outlook rules and moved to "safe mail" folders...

    Maurizio> How can I work around this?

There's a background feature in the Outlook plugin.  You should be able to
set the amount of time it waits before processing.  That allows the Outlook
rules to do their thing first.  You didn't mention what version of the
Outlook plugin you're running.  It's possible you'll need to upgrade to get
it.  It's a fairly recent (v. 6?) addition.


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