[Spambayes] Need help setting up spambayes with procmail

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Tue Jan 20 09:26:45 EST 2004

    Arnfinn> I have run into som problems. I included these lines in my
    Arnfinn> .procmailrc file:

    Arnfinn> :0 fw:hamlock
    Arnfinn> | $HOME/bin/sb_filter.py -f
    Arnfinn> :0:
    Arnfinn> * ^X-Spambayes-Classification: spam
    Arnfinn> SPAM
    Arnfinn> :0:
    Arnfinn> * ^X-Spambayes_Classification: unsure
    Arnfinn> UNSURE
    Arnfinn> And when I later looked at the logfile from procmail I got
    Arnfinn> something like this:
    Arnfinn> procmail: Executing "/home/homes/ei/eielsen/bin/sb_filter.py,-f"
    Arnfinn> /home/homes/ei/eielsen/bin/sb_filter.py: import: not found

Does the #! line in $HOME/bin/sb_filter.py refer to a valid Python
interpreter?  Is it a valid #! line?  What happens if you get rid of the
unnecessary -f flag?  The last line I quoted suggests that sb_filter.py is
actually being executed by bash or sh.

Also, note that you typo in your unsure action.  "Classification" should be
preceeded by a dash ("-"), not an underscore ("_").


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