[Spambayes] Password authentication problem with POP3Proxy

Brendon Whateley brendon at whateley.com
Tue Jan 13 22:59:10 EST 2004

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This link may help you: http://www.eudora.com/techsupport/kb/1501hq.html

I think (I'm not a Eudora, or even a windows user) that you are attempting to 
access the spambayes proxy on port 110 for BOTH accounts, which is why the 
second account doesn't work.

Hope that helps,

On Tuesday 13 January 2004 05:22 pm, Stephen Ban wrote:
> I'm running Eudora with the SpamBayes POP3Proxy; I have multiple
> accounts/servers that I would like to proxy through SpamBayes, and the
> first account sets up fine, i.e. I have SpamBayes proxying on port 110 to
> the appropriate external POP server and that works no problem. However, if
> I try to add a second pop server to the list and a second port to proxy (I
> assume port 111 is as good as any?), and set the corresponding Eudora
> account to "localhost", I get a password authentication error from Eudora
> as follows:
> "There has been an error transferring your mail. I said: PASS <shhhh! Don't
> tell anyone.> and the POP server (username at localhost) said: ERR [AUTH]
> Password supplied for "username" is incorrect."
> If I change the account settingsr back to the appropriate external POP
> server and re-enter the password, it works fine, so seems like the problem
> is that the POP3Proxy is not relaying the password correctly. Am I right?
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