[Spambayes] prices

Tim Stone tim at fourstonesExpressions.com
Tue Jan 13 09:55:10 EST 2004

On Tue, 13 Jan 2004 12:23:36 -0000, Bertin Benoit 
<benoit.bertin at champ.aero> wrote:

> Please, would you provide me a reseller in Luxembourg ( France or 
> Belgium)
> and a price quote for your anti spam product (outlook, POP3 and IMAP 
> plugin)

Well, Bertin, here's some good news for you.  Spambayes is free.  The 
programmers and mathemeticians that work on Spambayes are donating their 
time and program code as part of the "open source" movement.  You don't 
have to pay anything to use this code, now or ever.  However, if you would 
like to make a donation to a cause that we collectively think is a good 
one, please visit our site at http://spambayes.sourceforge.net and click 
on the 'Donate' link.


Vous exprimer; Exprésese; Te stesso esprimere; Express yourself!
Tim Stone
See my photography at www.fourstonesExpressions.com
See my writing at www.xanga.com/obj3kshun

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