[Spambayes] Spambayes and ZOE

Richie Hindle richie at entrian.com
Thu Jan 1 12:01:56 EST 2004

> Did somebody succeed in integrating spambayes and zoe? Is there a 
> step-by-step explanation how to?

Not that I've heard of, but as I understand it Zoe is a POP3 client (or
possibly proxy, but that makes no difference), so you should be able to
configure the SpamBayes POP3 proxy to talk to your real email server and
Zoe to talk to the POP3 proxy.  Follow the instructions in the README:


and substitute "Zoe" for "email client".  8-)  If Zoe is itself a proxy,
just make sure you use different port numbers for Zoe and SpamBayes.

Incidentally, SpamBayes already does 90% of what Zoe does:

 o Implements a POP3 / SMTP proxy to capture your email
 o Tokenises the messages and stores the results in a database
 o Stores a cache of messages behind the scenes
 o Has a web-based user interface
 o Has an XML-RPC interface to some of its functionality

We're only a hop, a skip and an indexing engine (probably Lupy,
http://www.divmod.org/Lupy/) away from having implemented Zoe by accident.

OT: Blimey, TinyURL has gone to five characters.  They must have exceeded
1.7 million URLs!

Richie Hindle
richie at entrian.com

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