[Spambayes] 1.0a9 SMTP proxy hosed on Linux

Kevin R. Bulgrien kbulgrien at worldnet.att.net
Thu Feb 19 23:41:01 EST 2004

spambayes-1.0a9.tar.gz smtpproxy is hosed.  My mail client (KMail) now hangs
when I send mail to train.  As long as I do not try to train through the 
proxy, I can send mail through it to my ISP.  As soon as I try to send to the
"fake" mail address configured in bayescustomize.ini, the send process
hangs, and I have to manually clear out the outbox.

This happened when I updated from 1.0a7.

The setup.py install is broken too.  It did not replace all the /usr/bin/sb_*
scripts properly.  It said they were already installed, but it was obvious
they weren't correct, because the scripts cratered all over the place, and
after the install, the files in /usr/bin were not the same files that were in
the installation directory.

For all I know, there are some other files out there that did not get updated

Where all does spambayes copy things when you do the setup.py install

And, why did the old 1.0a7 start two sb_server.py processes but this one
only starts one?

I'm not sure where to start on troubleshooting this one.  Anyone got any

Kevin R. Bulgrien

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