[Spambayes] Upgrade to Spam Bayes stopped filtering

Steve White swhite at infostatsystems.com
Thu Feb 19 17:33:28 EST 2004

I upgraded this morning to the latest SpamBayes 0.9 Feb 2004, since that
time all Spam Filtering has stopped.

What did I do wrong?  I checked the configuration and all appears to be
well.  I noticed that the install went into a different folder than the
earlier version C;\Program Files\SpamBayes as opposed to the previous
C:\Program Files\Spambayes Outlook Addin.

Did all my learning history on Spam get lost?  Am I now recalibrating
the system?

I am working with Outlook 2003 on Win XP Pro.

Thanks for any suggestions.

Steve W.
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