[Spambayes] Two issues with the Outlook plug-in (1.09a)

Katz, Amir Amir_Katz at bmc.com
Tue Feb 17 07:58:06 EST 2004

I'm using the latest version (1.0a9). Here are a two issues:
1. IMO, there should be a 'help->version' button that just displays the
version. The current 'help->about' button goes to the locally installed web
page (*/docs/outlook/about.html).  I had to look for the exe name in order
to remember the exact version.
2. If I click on the button 'show spam clues for current message', a new
mail message is created, with the clues, etc. However, it seems that the
original message is now marked as read. My question is - does it also
trigger sending a 'read receipt' if the original message had this flag
enabled? I know that any self-respecting spam (:-) message will not have
this flag, but I am curious about this, as I sometimes use this feature to
peep into a message without actually opening it (exactly so it won't send a
'read receipt').
Other than that, it's a great product and a great team behind it!

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