[Spambayes] Problem with POP3 Proxy

mitch at houseofpain.org mitch at houseofpain.org
Mon Feb 16 03:05:39 EST 2004

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Name: SpamBayesServer1.log
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I am using SpamBayes POP3 Proxy Version 0.4 (February 2004) (binary),
with version 2.3.2+ (#49, Oct 23 2003, 15:50:06) [MSC v.1200 32 bit
(Intel)] of Python; my operating system is Windows 5.0.2195.2 (Service
Pack 2).  I have trained 887 ham and 1549 spam.    The problem I am
having is [DESCRIBE YOUR PROBLEM HERE]    Forwarding spam/ham to the
local training addresses gives the following exception (sorry for
shitty formatting).  I also get a SMTP error back from my mail client:
"Enter data ending with a . on a line by itself".    I've actually
never been able to successfully forward a mail for training - with
versions 1.06a, 1.07a, 1.09a.    mitch        error: uncaptured python
exception, closing channel <spambayes.smtpproxy.BayesSMTPProxy
connected at 0x11b4878> (exceptions.NameError:global
name 'message_from_string' is not defined [asyncore.pyc|read|69]
[asyncore.pyc|handle_read_event|387] [asynchat.pyc|handle_read|136]
[spambayes\smtpproxy.pyc|extractSpambayesID|361])  error: uncaptured
python exception, closing channel <spambayes.smtpproxy.BayesSMTPProxy
connected at 0x11b4b70> (exceptions.NameError:global
name 'message_from_string' is not defined [asyncore.pyc|read|69]
[asyncore.pyc|handle_read_event|387] [asynchat.pyc|handle_read|136]

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