[Spambayes] : Stopping spam at SMTP Level

Terrel Shumway tshumway at jdiworks.net
Mon Feb 9 14:13:44 EST 2004

Christopher Jastram wrote:

> Well, I've seen one solution that I really really like.  It works like 
> this: mail is handled by a third party.  You sign up for an email 
> address from that party, and they give you one for $20/year or so.  

Why is this necessary? 5000 users*$20/year = $100,000/year.  Nice pocket 
change.  Would you like to make a donation to my favorite charity? 8-)  

> Everyone who sends an email gets a bounce saying "Please follow this 
> link and answer the question to send mail to this person."  At the 
> link you will find a simple question like: "Choose the red square" or 
> "one plus one equals ?".  Answering the question adds the sender to 
> the database of "humans," and mail will be allowed from that address.  
> Kinda neat, and it will be what I set up eventually.

This addresses a very small part of the problem with a very expensive 
(usability-wise) solution.

> The best idea I've seen is RBL.  (Realtime Blackhole List)  An RBL is 
> a list of known spam-sending networks.  Administrators subscribed to 
> an RBL agree to completely drop all traffic originating from or going 
> to said spam-sending networks.   Nice system, and it works quite well 
> because ISPs realize that it hurts their business to allow spam on 
> their networks.  Unfortunately, one must have a very flexible and 
> understanding boss to pull this one off, and not many IT 
> administrators have that luxury.

RBL, of course, also has its drawbacks, which have been thoroughly 
discussed elsewhere.  The two-camp approach is a good evolution of RBLs, 
but won't help us today.

>>> My solution works like this:
>>> 1) Postfix accepts the mail, checks to see if it's
>>> sent to a valid user
>>> 2) If it is, run it through spambayes via
>>> content_filter, which re-injects the mail into the system.  That 
>>> "run it
>>> through spambayes" script looks at the "to: " mail header and uses the
>>> appropriate user-specific database accordingly.
>>> 3) Postfix hands it off to Cyrus, which delivers via
>>> POP3 or IMAP.
Using spambayes (step 2) on the wire (i.e. instead of step 1)  may not 
save bandwidth, but can save disk space and give priority to non-spam.
    1) a message looks like spam: 553 it and you're done. Include a URL 
in the response text so a human can get whitelisted and resend a false 
    2) If a message is "unsure", 553 it but store it for 7 days so the 
human user can redeem it from quarantine without resending it.
    3) tar-pit the spam-sending IP/network so it will take them three 
hours to send a single message.
Now you have a good 80% solution that will save your CPU and push ham to 
the front of the queue.

>>> A lot of the spam we get is bounces from remote mail
>>> servers.  Spammers spoof our domain, and we get the "invalid-user"
>>> bounces.  Sick.  I've been just discarding everything that's from
>>> mailer-daemon and not to a valid local user.
not a bad idea.

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