[Spambayes] Spam block

Ryan Malayter rmalayter at bai.org
Fri Feb 6 15:23:13 EST 2004

No, SpamBayes does not work with the free web-based email systems like
Yahoo Mail and Hotmail. At least, not unless you pay extra and get POP3
or IMAP access to your Yahoo or Hotmail account. If you do that, you can
use SpamBayes with the Outlook plug-in or the POP3/IMAP proxies to
filter mail, and you would read your mail with whatever mail program you


	From: spambayes-bounces at python.org
[mailto:spambayes-bounces at python.org] On Behalf Of T.McNut
	Sent: Friday, February 06, 2004 2:00 PM
	To: spambayes at python.org
	Subject: [Spambayes] Spam block
	Aloha Honey  Does this program work with blocking spam in Yahoo?
I have their free web based email service. I get 200 spam a day. My
email address is a good seller for someone. Mahalo nui loa for you time
and assistance with this matter. Ciao T.McNut


	Do you Yahoo!?
	Yahoo! Finance: Get your refund fast by filing online

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