[Spambayes] Re: tbird and spambayes not playing well together.

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Thu Dec 23 02:18:45 CET 2004

[Sean Darcy]
> Now I wonder if the problem is that setup.py install is only 
> installing dibbler.py in site packages. See below. Is this 
> because it thinks ( knows? ) all the rest are already installed and 
> dibbler.py is the only one changed ( from last night's cvs ) ?

I'm not sure what distutils uses to see if files need replacing or not, but
that was presumably the reason.  Instead of deleting the directory, you
could have also (IIRC) used --force or -f in the command-line to force

> On a related topic. This is an amd64 running fedora core 3 
> x86_64. I have /usr/lib for legacy 32bit apps and /usr/lib64 
> for 64 bit apps.  I've built and installed python as a 64 bit 
> app. There is no /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages - at 
> least until spambayes creates it.
> Now sb works installed in /usr/lib - but it's in the Wrong Place.

This might get better answered either with a different subject or on
comp.lang.python.  I don't know enough about *nix installs of Python to know
what it normally does with libraries in this case.  You can run setup.py
with --install-lib=/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages (or is it
/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/spambayes?) to get it to install the
package there if you like.  I don't know whether your Python is setup to
look there by default or not.  (There's a similar arg for changing where the
scripts end up).


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