[Spambayes] Filter Status error message

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Wed Dec 15 07:10:55 CET 2004

> Hi, my SpamBayes is disabled, and I am getting a Filter
> Status error message that reads:
> The unsure folder is invalid: Exception 0x8004011d 
> (MAPI_E_FAILONEPROVIDER): OLE error 0x8004011d

This indicates that the unsure folder cannot be accessed.  If the folder is
on an Exchange server, this might be due to problems connecting to that
server (and might be solved by a simple restart).  If the folder is in a
local "Personal Folders" pst file, it would be worth running the scanpst.exe
utility over the file to ensure that it is valid.

> I've reloaded the latest version of SpamBayes, but still
> cannot reset my personal In Box as the "good mail" folder
> -- it does not show up in my Browse selections.

Your log files (see the troubleshooting guide for instructions about finding
those) will have more information (useful for us, but probably not you)
about why a folder is not available.  However, it is most likely the same
problem as above - and so the same first steps apply.  Please let us know
what type of store (Exchange, IMAP, pst, Hotmail) you are using, and whether
the above helps.


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