[Spambayes] server error 500

Tom Peters tpeters at mixcom.com
Sun Dec 12 21:45:19 CET 2004

In the review screen, after several pages of emails reviewed and manually 
classified (mostly "discard" since they were classified correctly) I got 
this. Now I get the same error frequently on the review page at 

No changes made to spambayes for many months. I'm using the pop3proxy 
method; I downloaded a windows binary. SpamBayes POP3 Proxy Beta3, version 
0.3 (September 2003), using SpamBayes POP3 Proxy Web Interface Alpha3, 
version 0.03

500 Server error

Traceback (most recent call last):

   File "D:\PROGRAMS\PYTHON\Lib\site-packages\spambayes\Dibbler.py", line 
453, in found_terminator
     getattr(plugin, name)(**params)
   File "D:\PROGRAMS\PYTHON\Lib\site-packages\spambayes\ProxyUI.py", line 
310, in onReview
     targetCorpus.takeMessage(id, sourceCorpus)
   File "D:\PROGRAMS\PYTHON\Lib\site-packages\spambayes\Corpus.py", line 
201, in takeMessage
   File "D:\PROGRAMS\PYTHON\Lib\site-packages\spambayes\FileCorpus.py", 
line 143, in addMessage
     Corpus.Corpus.addMessage(self, message)
   File "D:\PROGRAMS\PYTHON\Lib\site-packages\spambayes\Corpus.py", line 
136, in addMessage
   File "D:\PROGRAMS\PYTHON\Lib\site-packages\spambayes\storage.py", line 
580, in onAddMessage
   File "D:\PROGRAMS\PYTHON\Lib\site-packages\spambayes\storage.py", line 
588, in train
     self.bayes.learn(message.tokenize(), self.is_spam)
   File "D:\PROGRAMS\PYTHON\Lib\site-packages\spambayes\classifier.py", 
line 211, in learn
     self._add_msg(wordstream, is_spam)
   File "D:\PROGRAMS\PYTHON\Lib\site-packages\spambayes\classifier.py", 
line 346, in _add_msg
     self._wordinfoset(word, record)
   File "D:\PROGRAMS\PYTHON\Lib\site-packages\spambayes\storage.py", line 
279, in _wordinfoset
     self.db[word] = record.__getstate__()
   File "D:\PROGRAMS\PYTHON\lib\shelve.py", line 130, in __setitem__
     self.dict[key] = f.getvalue()
   File "D:\PROGRAMS\PYTHON\lib\bsddb\__init__.py", line 90, in __setitem__
     self.db[key] = value
DBRunRecoveryError: (-30982, 'DB_RUNRECOVERY: Fatal error, run database 
recovery -- fatal region error detected; run recovery')

It's not me that's late it's everyone else in a hurry. -Marilyn Monroe
--... ...--  -.. .  -. ----. --.- --.- -...
tpeters at nospam.mixcom.com   (remove "nospam") N9QQB (amateur radio)
"HEY YOU" (loud shouting)  WEB ADDRESS http//www.mixweb.com/tpeters
43° 7' 17.2" N by 88° 6' 28.9" W,  Elevation 815',  Grid Square EN53wc
WAN/LAN/Telcom Analyst, Tech Writer, MCP, Cisco Certified CCNA

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