[Spambayes] Setting up a new Outlook email profile

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Sun Dec 5 22:54:57 CET 2004

> My new email profile now does not filter junk email
> as previously defined in my original email profile.
> Did I loose everything when I was forced to enter
> folders for SpamBayes?

All the configuration for the plug-in is stored in per-profile files; the
databases are not, so should be able to be still used.

However, I suspect that what happened is that you used the Configuration
Wizard to select the new folders, and may have run through that initialising
the databases (if you just selected them via the SpamBayes Manager dialog,
this would not have happened).

Alternatively, did you also create a new Windows login?  All the SpamBayes
data is stored in a per-user directory, so if that is the case, then you
should be able to copy the old database files (the FAQ has locations) to the
new location.


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