[Spambayes] No Filterable Message selected

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Thu Aug 19 01:43:47 CEST 2004

> I started getting this error on my MSN and HOTMAIL
> accounts.  I have installed the latest version of
> Spambayes and reconfigured it.  But I still cannot
> get it to Delete to my SPAM folder.

[in the log]
> Unexpected error fetching message
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "addin.pyc", line 1024, in GetSelectedMessages
>  File "msgstore.pyc", line 365, in GetMessage
> MsgStoreException: Exception 0xd8b04002 (OLE error
> 0xd8b04002): OLE error 0xd8b04002

Something is going wrong when SpamBayes tries to get hold of the message.
Unfortunately, I can't find any information about error 0xd8b04002 via
google or msdn, so it's hard to know what exactly is wrong.

When you use the MSN/Hotmail accounts in Outlook, does everything work just
like it used to?  Does classifying these messages work?  (i.e. are they
filtered correctly, or does selecting them and doing "Show spam clues for
this message" work?)

=Tony Meyer

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