[Spambayes] Spambayes queries

Heath Allyn contact at heathallyn.com
Thu Aug 12 15:26:20 CEST 2004

I have poured through all the documentation I can find, and still not seen
the answer to this question. I'm sure I'll end up feeling really dumb when
someone points me to exactly where this is already explained... ;)

I've been using spambayes for quite some time today, and I decided to check
the spambayes manager and look at some statistics and settings.

In the general tab it says I have 46 ham and 435 spam, which I believe to be
the initial numbers from when I trained it after I first installed it, even
though it should have incrementally trained many more since then. I have
over 400 messages in my trash folder just since the last emptying.

Also in the advanced tab it said I have processed X good and X spam, with
both numbers being quite low. IS this a per session statistic or should it
be a lifetime statistic? For example it said "3 good 26 spam 9 unsure". Then
after restarting it said 0. I filtered some messages just to experiment, and
then it had the exact numbers of messages that I had just filtered.

I'm just trying to determine if it's actually learning from the messages
when I click "recover from spam" or "delete as spam".

Should the statistics, and the database numbers change when I re-classify a

I will continue to look online for this information also in case I have just
missed it. Thanks.

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