[Spambayes] No dialog box in Outlook

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Tue Aug 10 08:34:40 CEST 2004

> I used Spambayes with Outlook running on XP home.
> After encountering some problems, I deleted Spambayes
> and also the Dialog box in Outlook.

By "Dialog box", do you mean the SpamBayes toolbar?

> After uploading the latest version of Spambayes,
> I do not get the opening dialog

Do you mean the Wizard that helps you set things up?  If you didn't delete
your configuration/training data manually (uninstall deliberately doesn't
remove it), then you won't see this as you're already set up.  You can
trigger it (if the toolbar is working) via the Manager dialog.

> nor do I get the dialog box in Outlook.
> Spambayes still works but I cannot instruct to update new spam.

I presume that here you again mean the toolbar.  Does the toolbar appear,
but not work, or fail to appear?  If the former, have you tried the
instructions in the troubleshooting guide?  If the latter, have you checked
that it's simply not hidden by Outlook?

If none of this helps, please send us a copy of your most recent log file,
so we can look into this more.

=Tony Meyer

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