[Spambayes] No Defined Boundary

Michael Kimball michael at kimballpottery.com
Mon Aug 9 17:21:36 CEST 2004

Richard B Barger ABC APR wrote:
> Tony Meyer wrote:
> > > Suddenly, I'm getting bunches of "multipart message[s] with no defined
> > > boundary."  They don't show a Classification Header or Spam
> > > Probability, so my system treats them as ham.
> >
> > Perhaps you could treat any mail with a "X-SpamBayes-Exception" header as
> > unsure?  (ham is much less likely to be malformed, IMO).
> RBB:  Thank you for the suggestion, Tony, but I'm not sure how to do that in
> Netscape 4.79 Mail using the POP3 Proxy.  So far as I know, Netscape Mail
> doesn't give me the capability of searching for, or sorting on, something in the
> message header.

Yeah.  It does!

In your Netscape Messenger click Edit | Message Filters | New |
Advanced, which opens a dialog to 'Customize Headers'.  Type
"X-SpamBayes-Exception" in the 'New Message Header' box, click 'Add',
click 'OK'. This will drop you back to your 'New' Message Filter dialog,
with 'X-SpamBayes-Exception' included in the drop down list of elements
to filter on (subject, sender, body, date, etc).  Just select your newly
added header and configure the new filter as you would any other.

Hope this helps.

> > [...]
> > > A sampling of the others shows the same exception language.
> >
> > We do have some code to try and work around malformed messages, but the
> > problem is that there are simply too many ways that a message can be
> > malformed, and it's not really worth adding code for all of these unless they
> > are really common.
> RBB:  Or, unless there is some way to search for that header language.  But I
> understand.
> > Of course, if anyone submits a patch... <wink>
> >
> > The good news (and the main reason why it's not worth doing the above) is that
> > Python 2.4's email package handles all of this for us - not only is it much,
> > much better at handling malformed messages correctly, but it also catches any
> > problems and does what it can to present the message.  So anyone using the
> > SpamBayes source with Python 2.4+ will be fine, and when we start building the
> > binaries with Python 2.4, all those users will also be fine.  I would think
> > that the first 1.1 release will use Python 2.4 (a few months off, I would
> > think).
> RBB:  Unless the problem exacerbates, I'll try to be patient.  Thank you.
> > > BTW, have you considered forcing the logs and databases and
> > > ini file and other proxy info into a single place, rather than leaving
> > > them hidden in a dark maze of little twisty passages or a maze
> > > of dark twisty little passages or whatever it was that you encountered
> > > in the original Caverns?
> >
> > By default, the ini file, databases and cache directories are all located in
> > the same directory.  The only files that aren't are the logs - because these
> > are temporary files, they're stored in the temp directory (this is, AFAIK, the
> > correct behaviour with Windows).
> RBB:  Technically correct, but unhandy, as you often want the user to submit the
> logs to the list for someone to analyze.
> > We could possibly add a way to display the current log from the web interface
> > (somewhat like the Outlook plug-in can do) if that would make things easier.
> > (If you use the 'submit bug report' ability of the web interface, then it does
> > attach the log for you).
> RBB:  Um, Tony, what "submit bug report" feature?  I'd be happy to use that if I
> knew where to find it.  And yes, if that automatically attaches the log, then
> the log's location makes absolutely no difference.
> As always, thank you for the excellent help.
> Rich Barger
> Kansas City
> > =Tony Meyer
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> Incoming mail is certified Virus Free.
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> Version: 6.0.735 / Virus Database: 489 - Release Date: 8/6/2004

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Version: 6.0.735 / Virus Database: 489 - Release Date: 8/6/2004

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