[Spambayes] Illogicality in the Web UI?

Richie Hindle richie at entrian.com
Thu Aug 5 23:39:22 CEST 2004

> I loathe and detest framesets and all their works.

8-)  Bear in mind that we're not talking about a web *site* here, but a
web *application*.  Lots of the bad things about frames are only a problem
for web *sites*.

> I'm ever more inclined to the view that a hidden <DIV> layer in the source 
> Review page that pops up the relevant clues/tokens is the way forward.

That would make the page absolutely huge, given that you'd need to embed
all that information for every message.  And it's even less portable to
different browsers than frames are.

> maybe it wouldn't be
> too difficult to put the stuff in the main list of messages frame into a
> <noframes> section as well?  At least then those without frames could still
> use everything except viewing messages...

I don't believe there's *anyone* completely without frames these days.
Even Lynx supports frames, in that it will give you a list of the frames
in a frameset and let you choose which one to view, so it's just one extra
click (click? what do Lynx users do? stroke? let's not go there).

Richie Hindle
richie at entrian.com

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