[Spambayes] Illogicality in the Web UI?

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Tue Aug 3 01:54:31 CEST 2004

> IMO the presentation of UI will probably need to migrate to 
> become an entirely distinct configuration page in SpamBayes.
> Things like the choice of whether links are popup new windows,
> or open in the same window, what colours/fonts are used for
> each purpose etc etc.

I'm with Richie in that I'd rather keep the number of options as small as
possible.  To change things like colours/fonts, providing an alternative
style sheet would be the way to go (the styles are hard coded in the page at
the moment, but that would be simple to change).  I think the need for
simplicity outweighs the desire for ultimate configurability.

> For the last couple of days I've been 
> trying to think about how one might best divide out the HTML 
> handling from the Python handling so as to permit the user to
> exercise such control: no conclusions thus far but I shall
> continue to think about it. 

I'm not sure how familiar you are with the SpamBayes code, so forgive me if
you know this already.  Most of the HTML is already separate from the Python
code.  The look of the web interface is controlled by the ui.html file (or
ui_html.py in the binary).  The Python code just fills in the data, for the
most part.  So it would mean, for the most part, adjusting the look of this
ui.html file, or adding in extra options.

=Tony Meyer

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