[Spambayes] Delete as spam / Recover from spam buttons not working

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Wed Apr 28 20:27:15 EDT 2004

> *** - message database has 121 messages - bayes has 142 - something is
> screwey
> bsddb._db.DBRunRecoveryError: (-30982, 'DB_RUNRECOVERY: Fatal 
> error, run
> database recovery -- fatal region error detected; run recovery')

Your database has become corrupted.  The only solution is to retrain from

This is extremely rare - especially so with the Outlook plug-in (although
there was another report this week, which is concerning) - and we're not
sure what can cause this that we don't already try and prevent.  What
version of SpamBayes are you using?  Is there anything odd about your setup?
(like you have set your data directory to be on a shared drive, or more than
one copy of Outlook accesses the database at the same time).  Has Outlook or
your computer crashed during SpamBayes training at any time?

=Tony Meyer

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