[Spambayes] Spam Clues: Missing the obvious spam

Phil Pierotti phil.pierotti at swiftdsl.com.au
Thu Apr 22 19:43:45 EDT 2004

>     I got this mail with the subject "how big is your p**is" (w/o the
>     asterisks) and it scored only 87% and thus went into the 'unsure'
>     folder. If I were SpamBayes (:-) I would give it 110% immediately
>     just because of the P word. Any comments?

I use SpamBayes (I HATE SPAM).
I get the-5-letter-P-word in legitimate emails all the time, every day, 
like it's my job (because, it IS my job).

If SpamBayes were to automatically (ie programmatically, as opposed to 
"as a result of training") can those emails as SPAM, it would be worse 
than useless to me.


"One mans meat is another mans poison"

Obviously you do not normally receive emails mentioning the male 
genitalia (seriously, not many people do). Some people do, often, 
regularly, and "as part of their normal stream of email". Automatically 
turfing it as SPAM is NOT a valid assumption for everyone. (ie leave it 
up to training, rather than forcing assuptions that aren't valid)

Phil P
* (actually, I'm a dog, trying to make a legitimate and valid point)

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