[Spambayes] Whitelisting with Outlook 2003

Cedric Beust cbeust at bea.com
Tue Apr 13 21:01:23 EDT 2004

> From: Tony Meyer [mailto:tameyer at ihug.co.nz] 

> > Side question:  can SpamBayes be configured to move ham (not
> > spam) into a particular folder?
> No.  This has been requested from time to time (not for a 
> while, though), but has never been added.  It would be a much 
> easier patch to write than whitelisting, though.  (Although 
> it's not as certain that it would be seen as worth adding to 
> the core distribution, though you could make a case for it).

I don't think it's a very important feature:  it's not that big a deal to monitor four folders instead of three, especially with Outlook's very handy "shortcut pane".

I was just thinking about all this and it made me draw a parallel with the way UNIX systems handle their mail:  they have the "mail drop" (typically, /var/mail/<user>) where sendmail drops the messages, which are then picked up by the MTA and transferred into the user's account.

The problem you were talking about earlier (race condition between Rules and SpamBayes) might be avoided if you define such a maildrop, which is not supposed to be accessed by the user ever.  It's only there for the system, which can then use plug-ins such as Rules or SpamBayes to apply its filtering and dispatch the messages in user folders.

Just thinking out loud.


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